Monday, March 10

Make Your Own Prima-Style Flowers!

I found this great tutorial on Valita's blog. My loyal readers may recognize Valita as the designer who used my Original Hawaiian Shirt template to created those darling cards -- the one with the slippers and the one with the paint roller. Well, Valita came up with a great idea on how to create your own Prima-style flowers using flower punches and handmade paper. (You can find the link to Valita's wonderful step-by-step tutorial here.)

I didn't have any handmade paper on hand, so I used some scraps of double-sided mulberry paper. Since this paper is rather thick, I first peeled apart the paper into two layers. That's two for the price of one! Also, my flower punch didn't make heart-shaped petals (like those on the famouse Prima flowers), so after I folded each petal down the center, I snipped off a piece at the fold with my embroidery scissors. A little dry embossing with a stylus and Voilà! A finished flower for a fraction of the cost, using supplies that I already had on hand!

Thanks Valita!

(Stay tuned for a quick and easy project that I created using these handmade flowers...)

1 comment:

valita said...

Angela i liked the idea of snipping the heart shapes into the funky flower...i also have those punches which are again another money saver...well done...thanks for all the links to mt love the tag